Sunday, 29 May 2011

Food Issues and Body Image

While browsing through Chapters book store the other day, I couldn't help but notice Kim Kardashian on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine. What struck my eye was the fact that she was not a typical stick thin woman grazing the cover with toned abs. Although her face was a little too airbrushed to pass for reality, I admired the fact that she has and embraces her curves.

It is evident that many people lose too much weight once they reach celebrity status. Is it because of the pressure? Or do they try to conform to the Hollywood 'norm'?

In other news, I purchased a book entitled "An Apple a Day" written by doctor Joe Schwarcz. The book examines the "myths, misconceptions and truths about the foods we eat". This book caught my interested because I am always googling so many topics/questions such as "is soy good or bad for women?" or "are artificial sweeteners bad for you? how about stevia?"

Although this book attempts to stand at a neutral position by taking a scientific unbiased approach to the studies and evidence, I still question the results. I have a feeling that a holistic doctor rather than a medical doctor, would disagree with many of the things that Schwarcz says.

If anyone picks this book up, please let me know what you think!

Off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday...Bridesmaids movie tonight! I heard it was hilarious! Have you seen it?

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Protein Power

Hi lovely ladies and gents!
Working out as frequent as I do, protein is an essential part of my diet. Protein powders have become a regular part of my daily diet--mostly because I enjoy the taste and texture and versatility of them.
You can make:
Protein puddings, pancakes, shakes, smoothies, icings, parfaits and much more!
I have tried almost every kind of protein but have fallen in love with Sun Warrior Vanilla, Muscle Milk Light (Chocolate and Cake Batter), as well as Vega (all their products, but the Vanilla Protein powder is my favorite)!

I have been trying whey, brown rice and mixed protein powders recently, just to see how my body and muscles react.

What are your favorite protein mixes/flavors or brands?


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Gym Motivation

Sometimes I find it hard to get my butt to the gym... what motivates you to go?

 Do you have any mantras, songs or supplements that get you into the groove? Please share!

Colorful Eats

Variety is the spice of life!

During my move last month, my mom took me out for lunch at GINGER restaurant which is beyond delicious. We both ordered soups, along with these colorful rolls consisting of a load of veggies, and poached salmon. We gobbled them up in less than 5 minutes! They came with a lovely peanut dipping sauce as well.
I want to buy these more often! ... Or just make them myself ;)

After I moved in, my brother Matt made me a gorgeous bean salad with chopped onion, peppers, cucumber and cilantro (which I used to DESPISE, but have found a new place in my heart for). He also made a dressing of balsamic to add onto it, but left it on the side for me to use at my own discretion.
Fresh, whole foods are not only low in calories, but they provide optimal vitamins and minerals that your body requires...and...they taste delicious too!

Off to the gym now, I hope this rainy weather passes! Enjoy your day, wherever you are!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Positive Changes

A lot has changed since I last blogged: I moved in with my brother Matt, and I went to Barbados!

Crane Pool (Famous Pool!)

New Swimming Pool, again, at The Crane! ;)
I went to Barbados with my dad, cousin Karen and her dad (my Uncle Nick). We did a lot of swimming and relaxing--what a nice treat after finishing such a hectic school year!

I didn't take photos of the food we ate, but I can tell you it was delicious and fresh: loads of veggies and fish!

Now that I am back in Toronto, I am looking for a part time summer job (other than spin.... any ideas?)

Stay tuned, hope to update more frequently!
